Increase In-company Sharing
You can easily reach all your employees without separating white and blue collars.
Birthday celebrations
All your employees' birthdays are automatically celebrated daily.
All employees in one list
Display of upcoming birthdays
Special notifications
"Welcome" celebrations
The start dates of your newly recruited employees are automatically celebrated when they are entered into the system.
All new recruits in one list
Special notifications
General company announcements
You can share general announcements about your company with all your employees.
Ability to customize the employees to be sent
Announce company events and display on calendar
Communication with instant notification
News from employees
You can share news and announcements specific to individual employees in a separate area.
Maternity leave, baby news
Urgent blood donation needs
Career news, death announcements
Send push notification
You can send instant notifications to a single person, a group, or an entire company.
Customizable receivers
The savior in emergency or breaking news
The fastest and easiest access to employees
Request a Demo
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